#1 Property management Company in Batumi

Our average apartment is booked over 300 nights per year

We Love Reviews

The average property managed by Ruebush Group during the past 3 years was booked 317 nights per year, which is an average yearly occupancy rate of 86.85%. With over 8,000 five-star reviews, it is easy to see why we are the #1 property management team in Batumi.

5-star reviews increase occupancy while reviews lower than 4-stars decrease occupancy. Online bookings dominate the market because guests can see photos, compare properties, and read reviews from past guest experiences in real-time. Reviews rule the world when it comes to property management.

Our average property has a rating of 4.96 and most of our apartments have over 300 perfect 5-star reviews. By listening carefully to guest feedback, we learned the formula for success is a 100% unique property that offers a high-quality guest experience supported by a very proactive and communicative guest services team.

If you own an apartment in Batumi and want higher occupancy, better daily income, and more 5-star guest reviews, our team is waiting to talk with you.


We Embrace Technology

With our proprietary Dynamic Demand Pricing systems (for nightly rate pricing) to computer aided guest chat support to our transparent owner portal that allows you to view calendars & financials, we are embracing technology every way possible to help your property achieve better results.

Successful property management is more than greeting guests, maintaining appliances, plunging the toilet and cleaning dirty rooms. We understand it is also a high-tech business with millions of bits of evolving data. This is why we developed a proprietary system to track hour-by-hour demand in real time and adjust nightly rates every 4 hours. It is also why we utilize intuitive software to communicate with guests, lock and unlock doors, ensure timely maintenance, and report occupancy and earnings to property owners in real-time.

Our professional property management team has multiple technology tools at our disposal that enable us to drive your property to the top of listing sites, keep the booking calendar full, and maximize the revenue you are earning every night.

Transparent owner access to reports
Transparent Owner Access to Reports
Property upkeep managers - ruebush group
Property Upkeep Managers – Ruebush Group

Daily Upkeep

Every property managed by Ruebush Group receives daily housekeeping, upkeep, and maintenance. Our property upkeep managers ensure that a skilled, trained, professional team not only cleans each unit every day, but also inspects the unit for needed repairs and maintenance.

Our maintenance department and warehouse are fully stocked and prepared to make any repair, replacement, or update on-demand. Our average turn-around time for a small repair is 4 hours. Our average turn-around time for a major repair, such as water or fire damage, is 24 hours. Keeping properties in tip-top shape ensures you don’t miss bookings or nightly revenue. And it attracts better reviews.

Little details such as weekly faucet and fixture inspections, bi-weekly air conditioner filter service, monthly inspections of cabinetry and appliances, and monthly mattress rotations happen like clockwork. You can rest assured knowing your property is in good hands.

We even provide insurance to protect your property against theft, fire, water damage, breakage and more.

Around the Clock Service & Super Host Status

They say you can’t please everybody all the time. But somehow Rezi seems to be able to do just that. With an average guest review rating of 4.96 from 2013 through today, our friendly and professional guest services manager ensures people are always happy.

Things happen. Toilets clog in the middle of the night. Guest flights get delayed causing them to check-in super late. Internet routers just stop working. A big bug flies into an open window. Never Fear! Rezi and his team are here.

We use technology, guest service applications, and just good old fashion friendly hospitality to give every guest the attention and care they individually deserve. And this attracts better reviews.

Rezi - guest services manager - ruebush group
Rezi – Guest Services Manager – Ruebush Group

Do you have a rental apartment in Batumi? Do you want more occupancy and better profits? Let’s talk.